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Students have to recall, study and to visually revisit your hometown to visualise the environment, built components, social and culture through tangible and intangible components.

YOU have to analyse and initiate ideas on built environment through observation, data collection,and deliver them by using different media and techniques. â€‹

You have to use an a4 size with an appropriate thickness fold out pamphlet (maximum 10 pages) and you are not allowed use loose A4 cartridge/printing paper.

The front cover can include your own illustration of your township with the title and a back cover include your name, id, batch, module and photo.

You may use any colour medium and all information should be in infographic manner with diagrams and descriptions.

Image can be printed but not exceed 20% of the  whole assignment


Objectives of this project

1. To extend knowledge of the built environment at its basic unit, form and function.
2. To understand the interrelation between built environment and its user

3. To question, analyse and articulate the impact by the built environment 




I named my pamphlet's title "My Special hometown"

In the chosen specific areas, I followed the brief requirements to describe the tangible components found in the area such as: zoning, building typology and style, road circulation, transportation, existing infrastructure and facilities,

I followed identifying the sentimental part of the area and discuss about the tangible and intangible elements it contains.

I conclude the whole infographic pamphlet with ideas of improvement, or how I envision my town in the future based on related issue/ to justify.



In this individual project, I am able to identify and to describe the elements or components of built environment.

I be able to analyse the function of the elements in built environment

I learnt about all the details about my town for example, the zoning, components, building typology and style .

I exposed more about my town's history .

I learned how to promote my own city by arranging all information in a pamphlet which was challenging 


In conclusion, I've learned much about my hometown that I live for 18 years



  • Discipline Specific Knowledge

 Understand professional practice within the field of study.


  • Intra-personal Skill​

Manage myself to be self-reliant and reflect on my actions and learning.


  • Digital Literacy​

Effective use of ICT and related technologies


  • Life Long Learning

Learn independently and be intellectually engage

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