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by Ho Xun Kai
Two meeting room in C5
-----Drawing Basic Space ----
In the same group of lst assignment, lecture will give us a space, which is one of these spaces in Taylor's Lakeside Campus. As a group, need to measure the measurement together at the given spaces including all the furniture and the details things in the space. But at the end this is a individual work, so we need to produce different view of orthographic drawing.
Beside that, we had to measure a given space as a group and produce orthographic drawings of the space including a plan , a section, and two elevations all at a 1:25 scale. It was a great learning experience.
Firstly we face some problem when we trying to measure all the measurement together, but at the end We finally managed to measure the furniture's dimension together to prevent wrong measurement. group discussion and help us to combine all the information, and we can easier to help each other.
From this assignment, I learnt that drawing a space with every dimension of the furniture is not that hard but it needs a lot of 'step' to finish and done. Every scale of the drawings will affect the whole project. Now we only learn about the basic, but if didn't care much about the basic, because we need to train our skill from the beginning from the basic.
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