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Basic Orthographic Drawings

In the same group as last assignment, we are assigned to draw a furniture that we can found around the campus. As we are architecture students, we choose the table in C5 classroom as our first orthographic drawings.

WhatsApp Image 2018-11-24 at 18.41.19(1)
In this assignment we were given 1 week to complete this assignment. We need to find out the dimension and measure the very single details of the furniture. We standardize the measurement of the furniture and draw it together.


We noted that not every drawings is as simple as what we look. When we go into the detail, it is hard and we need to make sure the measurement of the furniture and turn it to scale into the drawing. From this assignment, I learnt that we must use an appropriate scale to draw a specific furniture. We always need to choose the most suitable scale before we start drawing our orthographic drawings.
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